Cost Reduction

Achieve Sustainable Cost Reduction

While most companies continue to advance growth initiatives around customer focus and innovation, enterprise cost optimization remains among the top three strategic priorities along with cash flow management initiatives. In our 2023 Key Issues Study, 69% of companies reported a major cost-reduction initiative – up from 65% in 2022.

How do the best do it?

Most companies approach cost reduction through staff reductions and discretionary spending freezes. Eventually, market pressures make these reductions hard to sustain. Our research has found that the strongest driver of sustainable cost optimization is a strategically designed service delivery model – one that purposefully and intelligently defines how certain work gets done, where, and by whom.

Are you taking the tight route to sustainable cost optimization?

With deep, practical experience in reducing costs in many environments, we can provide advice and solutions grounded in empirical data and proven practices:


Comprehensive cost and cash-flow analysis.


Business benchmarking that illustrates how top-performing companies structure and deliver key functions.


Service delivery strategies designed around the realities of your business.


Road maps for reducing and optimizing costs.

2023 Hackett 1000: North American SG&A Cost Study and Scorecard
Hackett 1000

2023 North American SG&A Cost Study and Scorecard

Compare your organization’s SG&A cost management performance to the best North American organizations as detailed by the 2023 North American SG&A Study and Scorecard.

Hackett 1000: 2023 European SG&A Cost Study and Scorecard
Hackett 1000

2023 European SG&A Cost Study and Scorecard

Compare your organization’s SG&A cost management performance to the best European organizations as detailed by the 2023 European SG&A Study and Scorecard.

We can help you establish sound, sustainable cost-reduction strategies through:

Achieve sustainable cost reduction today