Customer Experience and the Higher Education Sector

Critical Business Functions within Universities Challenged to Drive Improvements in Analytics, Skills Alignment, Agility & Student-Centricity

Within the Higher Education Sector, budget constraints and increased competition to secure government grants are causing universities to look inwards and cut down on discretionary spending. Consequently, cost optimization and customer- or student-centricity are on their top-five list of initiatives for the year according to newly-released research from The Hackett Group, Inc

Download The Hackett Group’s research paper and you will learn:

  • Key benefits of student-centricity in the higher education sector
  • The case for a new service delivery model (SDM), key for the higher education future
  • The new SDM at the core of creating student-centric processes
  • Key implications for finance, IT, HR, procurement and global business services
  • 5 areas of focus and action for the higher education center

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