2024 Procurement Agenda: Top Priorities and Challenges

We invite you to participate in The Hackett Group’s 2024 Procurement Agenda and Key Issues Study to generate insights on procurement function priorities, plans, and strategies for next year and beyond.

Share your own perspectives and gain key insights:

  • Priority business trends and strategic priorities of the enterprise that are expected to shape the procurement agenda in 2024
  • 2024 key objectives, transformation plans and challenges for procurement organizations
  • Projected changes in procurement workloads, staffing levels, operating budgets and technology spending
  • Technology landscape, level of implementation and enablement of business objectives

Study Audience, Participation Time and Outcomes

The aim of this study is to gather insights from the procurement leadership team who have visibility into the strategic objectives for 2024.

This study is divided into three sections — demographics, procurement function specific and enterprise-level questions. This survey is easy to complete, and we anticipate it should take approximately 20 minutes.

Study participants will receive an anonymized research report with composite results and an exclusive invitation to a webcast that will delve into important findings from the research.

Data Privacy

All respondent and individual company information will remain completely confidential.

Form submissions have been closed.