Quantum Leap®

Unleash the Power of Continuous Improvement

Our Quantum Leap® platform automates data collection and validates accuracy – cutting the effort required to benchmark by more than half. This allows you to do what’s most important: close performance gaps.

Businesses that benchmark outperform peers

Clients who benchmarked more than once in a four-year period saw an 8.2% reduction in reported SG&A costs; on the other hand, those who did not commit to ongoing business benchmarking actually saw their organizational costs rise. In addition, companies focused on business performance management performed better and increased value realization.

Collect data

Simplified data collection makes benchmarking easier.


Quantify the improvement opportunity.


Present, analyze and interrogate benchmark data.


Identify high-impact initiatives.


Monitor progress and measure return on investment.

From benchmarking to continuous improvement

Our Digital World Class® benchmarking capabilities – supported by extensive data and intellectual property – form the foundation for executing and monitoring fact-based initiatives. Business improvement opportunities are defined, Digital World Class® solutions are generated, and the platform’s initiative tracking capabilities drive accountability and ensure benefit realization. Personalized dashboards offer self-service monitoring of key performance measures.

Digital Benchmarking: 6 Keys to Quantum Leap Improvement
Featured Insight

How to Succeed at Benchmarking in the Digital Age

Digital transformation presents new opportunities to reduce costs and staffing levels and deliver a quantum leap in performance improvement.

Learn how Digital World Class businesses operate.

Our Best Practices Intelligence Center™ is the world’s largest searchable online repository of empirically proven business best practices, performance metrics and implementation tools.