Customer-to-Cash Solutions Provider Research - Summary Report

Modern customer-to-cash (C2C) platforms deliver dramatically superior value realization compared to legacy applications, including significantly more “hands-free” transaction processing, 10x increased operating cash released from disputed receivables, and more than $107 million in additional operating cash per year (for a $10 billion company).

The Hackett Group’s C2C Solutions Provider research evaluated nine popular C2C solutions providers based on: C2C performance data in The Hackett Group’s proprietary benchmarking database; analysis of performance data provided by end-users of the C2C solutions; and interviews with solution providers and end-users.

Download a redacted version of The Hackett Group’s Customer-to-Cash Solutions Provider Research to learn about the C2C software market landscape:

  • Leading technologies, implementation considerations and challenges
  • Details on the 43% overall performance advantage that modern C2C platforms offer
  • Individual C2C solutions providers profiles based on performance, experience, strengths and opportunities
  • Which C2C solution providers are Value Leaders, Capability Leaders, and Digital World Class®