2023 Source-to-Pay Technology Study
Let us know what practices your Source-to-Pay organization deploys to achieve maximum business value from technology investments.
The Hackett Group data shows that Digital World Class® leaders do a much better job of driving adoption to their source-to-pay technologies and, therefore, realize a greater ROI on their technology investments. This study aims to garner and examine the factors that help leading source-to-pay organizations achieve maximum business value from their technology investments.
Specifically, we will examine the following topics:
- The overall maturity of organizations’ source-to-pay technology strategy and barriers to success.
- The practices that are being used to roll out new source-to-pay software solutions.
- The value that is being realized from source-to-pay technology investments.
Who Should Participate
This study should be completed by source-to-pay technology leaders or project managers. Please feel free to share this study with all project leaders or managers who have implemented a source-to-pay technology project within the last two years.
You Will Receive
Study participants will receive an anonymized research report with composite results.
Data Confidentiality
Please be assured that your response will remain completely confidential.
The Hackett Group’s 2023 Source-to-Pay Technology Study is open until February 9, 2024, at no cost to participants.
Form submissions have been closed.