Business Excelleration® Podcast

The Hackett Group’s weekly podcast features insights and research data designed to help business leaders improve efficiency and effectiveness in finance, human capital management, strategic sourcing, procurement, and information technology.

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Aug 28, 2023
Season 4, Episode 32
In this episode of the Business Excelleration® Podcast, In the evolving world of application landscape, enterprises are faced with the need to constantly optimize technology platforms to achieve their business…

Aug 15, 2023
Season 4, Episode 30
In 2022, 3M won a Digital Award from The Hackett Group for their digital transformation in purchase-to-pay. The Hackett Group Principal and Global Business Services Advisory Practice Leader Vin Kumar…

Aug 8, 2023
Season 4, Episode 29
What sets Digital World Class procurement organizations apart from their peers? A discussion with Principal Kurt Albertson, Senior Director Elizabeth Zucker and Benchmarking Director Travis Werner.

Aug 2, 2023
Season 4, Episode 28
How do the world’s best human resources organizations manage to spend less, operate with fewer staff, yet deliver greater value to their companies? A discussion of key findings from our…

Jul 25, 2023
Season 4, Episode 27
In this episode of the Business Excelleration Podcast, Digital World Class Technology organizations spend less, operate with fewer staff, yet deliver dramatically greater benefit to their organizations. How do they do…

Jul 18, 2023
Season 4, Episode 26
In this episode of the Business Excelleration® Podcast, a discussion of the key findings of the new Working Capital Survey, which examines the payables, receivables, and inventory performance of the largest…

Jun 27, 2023
Season 4, Episode 24
In this episode of the Business Excelleration® Podcast, how can HR organizations can leverage artificial intelligence to drive efficiency and effectiveness within their organizations? A discussion with The Hackett Group…

Jun 16, 2023
Season 4, Episode 23
In this episode of the Business Excelleration® Podcast, finance costs are increasing for the first time in decades, driven by inflation and other uncertainty factors. But top performers continue to spend…

May 31, 2023
Season 4, Episode 21
In this episode of the Business Excelleration® Podcast, what’s the role for artificial intelligence in today’s enterprise? Where should IT leaders focus their efforts? A discussion with Global IT Advisory Practice…